Saturday, December 17, 2011

President Obama used nicotine gum to help quit smoking

President Obama used nicotine gum to help quit smoking

The President's comments about his 'habit' being '95% cured' while still smoking, with co-dependency upon nicotine gum for 28 months, evidences a recovery understanding that's an utter mess. He needs our help, a jolt of reality, a quality education and he needs it now.

Have you successfully broken nicotine's grip upon your mind and life? If so, President Obama could certainly use a hand. As his below quit smoking journal indicates, his attempts to quit for everyone but himself have failed. Although he admits to repeated recent smoking relapses, and two years of ongoing nicotine gum use, at a White House press conference last week he diagnosed himself as being "95% cured." Reporters laughed.

Intelligent smokers often harbor deep beliefs that they'll be able to figure this out all on their own. They fail to realize that knowledge isn't just power but a quitting method. Unfortunately, many cling to rationalizations like the President's and remain in a state of dependency ignorance until it's too late.

We expect the secret service to take bullets to protect our President but what's expected of us? WhyQuit is home to thousands of the most educated ex-users on earth. What if the greatest current threat to the President's life is his co-dependency upon smoked and chewed nicotine? What if bad news is just around the corner? Is it time to laugh or time to reach out and help, a "fierce urgency of now"?

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