Crossing his legs and patiently staring straight at the camera this posing primate couldn't have been happier to be snapped this afternoon, although his face didn't show it.
Using the wing mirror as a comfortable seat this monkey at Longleat Safari and Adventure Park near Bath was photographed by delighted visitor Ben James. But instead of breaking into a huge smile it sits quietly in a serious pose similar to one found in a Victorian photograph.
And it seems a serious disposition may be normal at Longleat despite living at the heart of Lord Bath’s beautiful Elizabethan pile and grounds.
Last month Nico, a West African Lowland Silverback gorilla, celebrated his 50th birthday but roses, a giant cake and a purpose-built island in a lake could not cheer him.
A photographer captured a tantrum where he flung his flowers to the floor prompted by a sugar rush from his birthday cake, made in the shape of a bunch of bananas, surrounded by oranges, strawberries and sugar-free marzipan.
He also has a television in his room, which is on for 16 hours a day, and can drink as much Ribena as he likes but he is still a grumpy gorilla.
