Thursday, May 19, 2011

Model hunts for false teeth in restaurant

Model hunts for false teeth in restaurant
Model hunts for false teeth in restaurant. Janice Dickinson Loses False Teeth at Star-Studded RestaurantOnly Janice Dickinson would revel in the fact that she once lost her false teeth at a fancy celeb-friendly eatery.

The self-proclaimed "first supermodel" told the NY Post's Page Six that during a recent meal at NYC's San Ambroeus, she ended up "diving under the table like a porpoise" to retrieve a pair of false teeth she'd absentmindedly placed in a napkin.

Dickinson giddily confessed, "I was like Lucille Ball on crack." Pretty soon, other customers were aiding Dickinson in the hunt for her falsies. Eventually Dickinson tracked them down, gave 'em a rinse, shoved them back in and continued through her meal.
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