Saturday, May 14, 2011

fight wrinkles naturally

fight wrinkles naturally
fight wrinkles naturally .Over the years, I’ve noticed those little wrinkles at the corners of my eyes and around my mouth.

I can rationalize those eye crinkles as laugh lines, and they honestly don’t bother me too much.

But the wrinkles around my mouth are something else. I hate them. I think of the as smokers’ wrinkles. But I’ve never smoked. It’s not fair, but they’ve started. I decided to nip them in the bud.

I found a few things that help. I’ll tell you there is no magic answer. But here as some methods that have worked for me:

* Omega-3 fatty acids: We all need them and fish oil is great for heart and joint health. It’s also great for skin health. Be sure you get a good products. I particularly like PharmaOmega’s ultra-purified fish oil products because I can feel the difference in my energy levels when I’m taking them. They also have no fishy smell or belchback, a real plus for me since I really dislike the taste of fish. I also like krill oil products because the tiny crustaceans are harvested in unpolluted deep cold waters and they have a good source of the antioxidant astaxanthin.

* Vitamin C: This ubiquitous nutrient should be in your regular vitamin regimen for a number of reasons, not the least of which is increased skin health. That’s because vitamin C helps your body re-build its stores of collagen, the fibers that kinds together the connective tissues of your body, including the underlayers of your skin. Studies show that people who eat a diet low in vitamin C have significantly more wrinkling, so an orange a day . . keeps your skin smooth. Most of the studies used ascorbic acid, just one of the elements of the complex vitamin C molecule. While ascorbic acid is cheap and available everywhere, I prefer to get my vitamin C from food and from supplements formulated from vine-ripened fruits grown in mineral-rich soil. I’ve taken a whole food vitamin C product produced by Innate for a couple of years now and I’m haopy with its many benefits, including skin plumping.

* Emu oil: My first two recommendations are for internal remedies for wrinkles. But if you want a quick fix followed by a longer term solution, you can’t go wrong with ultra-rich emu oil is one of the best kept anti-aging secrets in the world because it helps plump up skin, reduce wrinkles and reduce the inflammation that causes puffy eyes and eye bags. Dremu is one of my favorite brands because of the variety of products that address a multitude of sins. There’s Deception, a smoothing cream that provides instant results by filing in those fine lines. Its secret is tiny nanoprisms that refract the light to eliminate the visible shadow created by a wrinkle. Deception is a great quick fix while you’re working on the longer term solution with Dremu oil, a thick luxurious oil you apply at night that also relieves itching and even softens calloused feet.

Having youthful skin isn’t all that difficult. Try one of these remedies. Better yet, try them all. Not only will your skin show remarkable changes, that glowing skin will truly reflect your inner health.