Crazy 911 Calls 2011
Craziest 911 calls of the year. Funny 911 Calls that really happened!
From dissatisfied customers to out-of-control celebrities to lost families, it was a banner year for emergency dispatchers across the country. We’re taking a look back at some of the craziest 911 calls of 2011. 911 dispatcher get to hear their fair share of sadness and misery but every so often they receive a call into the 911 call center that brightens up their day. While most of them are sad or horrifying, some are pretty strange, and others are just out right hilarious. man calls 911 for iphone emergency, charlie sheen + 911 call + very, very intoxicated, family lost in corn maze,Indecent proposal
When: Jan. 2
The call: A spurned girlfriend faked an emergency so police would show up to talk to her boyfriend – who was trying to break up with her. Ana Perez charged with disorderly conduct, Woman calls 911 to get boyfriend to propose,
On the naughty list
When: Jan. 2
The call: A four-year-old boy used 911 to tattle on his “very bad” father. santa claus, Boy calls 911 to report dad to Santa,
Charlie Sheen’s bender
When: Jan. 27
The call: The former “Two and a Half Men” star was deep into his “winning” phase when a neighbor called 911 to report that Sheen was in severe pain after a reported 36-hour bender. charlie sheen + 911 call + very, very intoxicated, charlie sheen hernia
Pot grower busted
When: Feb. 3
The call: A 21-year-old “horticulturalist” quizzed a 911 dispatcher about how much trouble he could be in for “nurturing” his hobby.robert michelson 911 call, robert michelson arrested for growing pot,
Intruder calls 911
When: March 3
The call: A burglar ended up calling the cops on himself when the homeowners returned unexpectedly. What was he doing. intruder calls 911 from shower,
911 call from jail
When: March 13
The call: An unhappy prisoner somehow managed to call 911 to complain about his treatment. man calls 911 from jail, joseph walsh hogtied,
Crack deal gone wrong
When: April 29
The call: A drug buyer brazenly called 911 to report that his dealer had given him back the wrong change. man tells cops drug dealer gave wrong change, dexter white $40 change, Man complains about wrong change in crack deal
When: Nov. 29
The call: A man’s attempted grocery store robbery ended with him calling 911 from some bushes.Man calls 911 after he being shot robbing store, man calls 911 after being shot trying to rob store