Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dog eats owner's cash

Dog eats owner's cash, Dog Eats $1,000, Fla. Dog Eats $1,000 Cash. ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. --

ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. (AP) A Florida dog has ingested an expensive meal after devouring $1,000 cash.

Christy Lawrenson said she and her husband have been saving cashing to pay off their car. Each time they accumulate $1,000 they take it to the bank to deposit it.Two weeks ago, their dog Tuity, who is a Labrador Retriever, chow, bulldog mix, snatched the cash from the counter.

Orlando TV station WKMG ( ) said her husband found pieces of hundred dollar bills scattered across the floor. dog eats $1,000 meant for car payment, Dog eats owner's cash,

Tuity vomited the money and the couple pieced together $900.

But the dog ate too many serial numbers on the last one-hundred dollar bill.

The couple sent it to the Department of Treasury with a letter explaining what happened in hopes of being reimbursed for the rest.
