Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Mid-air proposal goes viral

Mid-air proposal goes viral, Man proposes on intercom at 32,000 feet. A Chicago man who first met his girlfriend on a Delta flight collaborated with the airline to help him with a marriage proposal at 32,000 feet.

Arvin Shandiz, 27, proposed to Alexandria Williams, 28, the Chicago Sun-Times reported Monday.

Shandiz said he convinced her to fly with him to New York Friday to see his brother's new baby and he conspired with Delta to allow him to use the intercom in mid-flight.

"Good evening everyone, my name is Arvin, and I'm on this flight with a beautiful young lady I met almost two years ago flying Delta Air Lines … From the moment that I met her that night, I knew I never wanted to spend a second without her … Alex, you're the most beautiful girl in the world and you make me so incredibly happy … so would you marry me?" Shandiz said over the intercom. arvin shandiz proposes, Delta airlines engagement arvin & alex, Delta couple free honeymoon flight

Williams tearfully accepted the proposal.

They returned to Chicago Sunday and were greeted by Delta officials with a decorated gate and a free honeymoon package.
