Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Filthiest surfaces mailboxes ATMs

Filthiest surfaces mailboxes ATMs, Filthiest surfaces in America, Gas pump handles, mailboxes and ATM buttons revealed as the 'filthiest most virus-ridden surfaces in America' The top filthiest surfaces Americans encounter commuting to work were named Tuesday, said to breed germs and viruses faster than they can be cleaned -- if they ever are.Gas pump handles topped the list revealing that 71 per cent were found infected with the worst bacteria and viruses associated with causing illness.

Public mailboxes came in second at 68 percent, escalator rails in third at 43 percent and ATM buttons in fourth at 41 per cent.

"It comes down to the fact that nobody cleans the things that you're going to touch on a daily basis," Dr. Kelly Arehart, program leader of Kimberly-Clark's Healthy Workplace Project told Reuters.

Percentage of objects found highly infected:

  • 71% of Gas pump handles

  • 68% of Public mailboxes

  • 43% of Escalator railings

  • 41% of ATM buttons

  • 40% of Parking meters/Kiosks

  • 35% of Crosswalk buttons & Vending machines

After swabbing the popular commuting objects for levels of adenosine triphosphate, which signals the presence of animal, vegetable, bacteria, yeast and mold cells, a team of hygienists for Kimberly-Clark Professional were able to determine the greatest transmitters of the germs and viruses that cause illness.

They warn the importance of thorough hand washing and drying as a virus can be transmitted up to seven times by a single infected hand.

Other items making the list were parking meters and kiosks, at 40 per cent, and crosswalk buttons and vending machines sharing a spread of 35 percent.

Resting on hard surfaces, including tables and chairs, the hygienists warn that viruses are capable of surviving 20 minutes to two hours without a living host.

Germs, they say, are capable of staying alive up to 48 hours.

'As your computer boots up, wipe down your desk and mouse,' Brad Reynolds, leader of the Kimberly-Clark's Healthy Workplace Project told the Detroit Free Press.

He says germs easily fall on computer equipment after commuters arrive at the workplace, advising they wash their hands immediately after arriving. filthiest surfaces, filthiest surfaces gas pumps, filthiest surfaces mailboxes ATMs,

He additionally advises wiping down conference tables between meetings.

The survey, with help from an environmental microbiologist from the University of Arizona, tested swabs taken from Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Miami and Philadelphia for their findings.
